01 October 2010

The dog days are over.

So midterms are finally catching up with me. Just in time for General Conference weekend. I have a bio test this afternoon and a few more next week. But it seems like the weather is finally turning! I woke up to a brisk 45 degree morning. And weather.com promises a high of 65 in the near future. Tights, boots and blazers here I come.

Tonight: Thai Ruby and a free Lower Lights (see previous post) rooftop concert perhaps?

Additonally, I need suggestions for my next creative writing project. I have to do something completely out of my comfort zone and then write about it. The only suggestions I've received so far would probably get me arrested... What can I do that I would never do?


  1. hmm. what would lauren not do? i feel like everything i do is something that you wouldnt do. haha. and thats usually a good thing...how about spending a week in the wilderness with a bunch of rehabbing teenage rebels? no showers. no fruit. no bed. no civilization. lots of freaks.

  2. 1. Strike up a conversation with someone in a grocery line or elevator.
    2. Ask a guy out on a date.
    3. Wear something completely not you for a day--Mickey Mouse ears or something like that--try to get people to ask you about it.
    4. Try singing karaoke (but not in a bar).
    5. Try zumba.
    6. Serve food at a soup kitchen.
    7. Talk to somebody new every day for one week.
