07 May 2010

In Which I Briefly Catalogue the Past Four Days and Direct You To My Facebook Album For Details

I think I saw Gordon Brown today. Although I'm not quite sure. While I was walking between Westminster Abbey and the Cabinet War Rooms I came across a huge crowd surrounding the gated entrance to what I think was the PM's residence? Either way they were holding a press conference about the hung parliament resulting from yesterday's election. As I pushed my way through the crowd, I heard people whisper Gordon Brown was exiting the building and point to a distant figure in a black trench coat. So it may or may not have been him, but the reaction of the crowd was the interesting part. A bunch of people pressed their faces between the iron bars and started shouting "resign!" and waving signs stating things like "a hung parliament means we need proportional representation." I know I should have taken a picture, Dad but unfortunately I didn't... I thought it was exciting because we just finished talking about representative vs. majoritarian electoral systems in poli sci.

So the past four days have been a whirlwind of activity. Somehow I managed to:

-Tour the Tower the Tower of London
-Watch an amazing production of Les Mis from the sixth row (for less than 30 pounds!)
-Visit Stonehenge, Bemerton, the Wilton House and Stourhead all in one day! (And somehow sleep for two hours on a crowded tour bus)
-See "Midsummer Night's Dream" at Shakespeare's globe as a "groundling" (aka standing for three hours)
-Enjoy two (maybe three?) separate trips to the little gelato shop on Bayswater
-Tour (I ran out of verbs) Westminster Abbey and Churchill's Cabinet War rooms

Tomorrow: Portabello Market? Maybe Tate Britain? And homework. Lots of homework.

I can't believe I've already spent almost ten days in London town. I do feel like I've pretty much gotten the tube system down though. And I still can't believe how much their is to see here! London really is much more than New York without trash cans and obesity (as one of my classmates astutely observed).


  1. You might be able to get your fingerless gloves at the Portabello market -- that's where I got mine. Have you seen any Wagamama restaurants? I read in the Rick Steve book we have they are all over London and really good!

    Cool sighting of Gordon Brown-- did he look dejected?

  2. Lauren! That's great that you had a Gordon Brown sighting. He's not a very popular man these days in the UK as you know. Looking forward to Skyping with you tomorrow. Dad
